AI Disrupts the Digital Landscape

by Stephen Brownsteele

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Once confined to the fictional works of Asimov, Phillip K Dick and others, Artificial Intelligence has come a long way since its inception over 70 years ago. AI has gone from being a mere theoretical concept to becoming an integral part of our daily lives in a few decades. From the algorithms behind self-driving cars, and financial analysis, to medical diagnosis and personal digital assistants like Siri and Alexa, it would almost be impossible for modern society to function without these intangible and seemingly intelligent strings of code.

As we move through 2023 into an unknown world where AI weaves its tendrils further into every aspect of our lives, businesses across a variety of industries are finding innovative ways to leverage these algorithms  for increased efficiency, productivity, and creativity. In the fields of Coding, Digital Marketing, SEO, and Graphic Design, AI is having a particularly significant impact. AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and DALL•E 2 are reshaping these industries, both positively and negatively. 

In this article, we will hear from some of the creative minds at tictoc, one of Glasgow's leading digital marketing agencies,  and explore how AI is disrupting the way we work in these fields, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of this transformation.

The Impact of ChatGPT and AI on Coding: Insights from tictoc's Technical Director

As the world of technology continues to evolve, one of the most exciting advancements we're seeing is the increasing use of AI in coding. With the advent of powerful new tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT, coding is becoming easier and more efficient than ever before. This is great news for developers, who can use these tools to streamline their workflows and tackle complex coding problems more quickly and effectively.

As our Technical Director at tictoc explains, these tools are certainly impressive, capable of understanding natural language and providing solutions to coding problems. However, they are still just algorithms, limited by the data they have processed and the sources of that data.

ChatGPT's ability to understand natural language inputs and provide suggestions for code improvements and solutions to errors is a game-changer in the world of coding. Its responses are often impressively accurate, allowing developers to work more efficiently and with greater confidence.

Moreover, the issue of copyright is a pressing consideration when it comes to AI-generated content. As with any form of content creation, it's important to ensure that the source of the material is properly attributed and that any copyright laws are observed. With AI tools which can generate content and code suggestions based on existing data, there is a risk that copyright could be infringed upon if the source material is not properly licensed or attributed as has already happened in the case of Copilot from Github/Microsoft which is facing lawsuits or infringing on copyright material.

While these AI tools are certainly powerful and useful, they are still just that, tools, and not a replacement for human expertise in coding. Developers should use them to supplement their skills and workflows, rather than relying on them entirely. It's important to consider their limitations as well as the issue of copyright and inbuilt bias, to ensure that AI-generated content is used responsibly and ethically.

Redefining Creativity and Collaboration for UI/UX Designers with AI: Insights from Peter Scott, Senior Designer at tictoc

As AI continues to advance, it is becoming increasingly clear that it will have a significant impact on the field of UI and UX design. AI-powered tools such as DALL-E 2 and Midjourney have emerged, offering new ways to generate design elements and streamline the design process.

For digital designers, this means both new opportunities and new challenges. On the one hand, AI can be a valuable tool in helping designers create interfaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. For example, AI can help designers quickly generate layout options, colour schemes, and typography choices that are tailored to a specific brand or user demographic.

On the other hand, however, as Senior Designer Peter Scott explains, there is a risk that some organisations may overestimate the capabilities of AI and assume that they no longer need the expertise of a human designer. While AI can certainly help automate some design tasks, it is not a substitute for the creative vision and human touch that a skilled UI or UX designer can bring to a project.

In fact, AI-generated designs can often lack the nuance and attention to detail that a human designer can provide. This is because AI is still limited in its ability to understand the context and meaning behind design choices, and may not be able to account for factors such as cultural differences or emotional responses.

That being said, AI can still be a helpful tool for designers, especially when used in conjunction with human expertise. For example, AI can help designers quickly generate design variations or identify potential usability issues, allowing us humans to focus on the more creative aspects of the design process.

Peter notes, it is unlikely that humans will be entirely replaced by AI in the design process any time soon. However, AI is already playing an important role in helping designers work more efficiently and effectively, and this trend is only likely to continue as the technology advances. So, while designers may need to adapt to the new tools and techniques that AI brings to the field, their expertise and creativity will remain a critical component of the design process for the foreseeable future.

ChatGPT and the Future of SEO Content Creation: Enhancing Efficiency and Quality with Stephen Brownsteele, SEO Manager

In the world of SEO, content is king, and the arrival of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT has transformed the way content is created. Stephen Brownsteele, an SEO Manager at tictoc, said that ChatGPT has been a hugely disruptive yet positive technology that can cut down on the time it takes to research and create content dramatically. 

It has proven to be a valuable asset to content creators and SEO specialists looking to generate ideas and flesh out thin content. By using ChatGPT, they can quickly produce a framework of a blog or article, saving hours of time that would otherwise be spent on research and writing.

However, as Brownsteele pointed out, while AI tools can help generate ideas and create a framework, the final product still requires the touch of a human editor to ensure quality and authenticity. The AI-generated output is rarely ready to publish without refinement and checking and often needs a more human voice interwoven into it.

Despite this, ChatGPT is changing the landscape of content creation and SEO, allowing for more efficient and effective workflows. Additionally, AI can assist in writing title and meta data, identifying gaps in content and generating ideas for new and relevant topics to explore.

The benefits don’t all reside with the content creators. As we’ve seen recently Microsoft Bing is having another stab at capturing market share by integrating ChatGPT into its new browser. It hopes that by offering better understanding of natural language input from users it can serve up results that are far more precise. Google, usually at the forefront of such technical inflection points, has rushed to offer its own AI powered search engine only to be somewhat embarrassed by a wrong answer given by Bard in a live demo.

As advanced as this current crop of AI-powered tools appear to be, they are still in their infancy yet hold great potential for the future of SEO and content creation. As the technology advances, we can expect AI to become even more integrated into the content creation process, allowing for more efficient workflows, improved quality, and better user experiences.

Embracing AI in Marketing: How AI-powered Tools Can Reinvent Your Strategy with Mille Gough, Social Media Manager at tictoc

Over the past year, AI has become a hot topic in the world of digital marketing, promising to upend the way we approach everything from content creation to website design. The advent of AI-powered tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's upcoming 'Bard' AI has generated excitement and speculation about what the future holds for the industry.

Social Media Manager Millie Gough says that AI offers significant benefits to the marketing industry and points to a recent McKinsey study that shows AI has the potential to make a major financial impact on marketing, driving growth, improving efficiency, and enhancing the customer experience.

Digital agencies have been amongst the first to embrace these new tools and are now able to use AI to generate engaging social media posts, suggest optimal posting times, and track metrics in real-time, transforming the way they manage their clients' social media accounts. 

This is just the beginning, however, as AI has the potential to make a major financial impact on the marketing industry as a whole. While some may fear that AI will replace human workers, Millie emphasises that AI is merely a tool that can enhance the work of human marketers and improve overall efficiency. With the right approach, AI can be used to create better experiences for both brands and consumers alike.

The advancements in AI technology are rapidly changing the landscape of many industries. While some may want to throw their wooden clogs into this metaphorical powered weaving machine, the genie can not be put back into the bottle and it is clear that the integration of AI tools can enhance and streamline human efforts, leading to improved efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability. As AI continues to evolve and expand, businesses that adapt and incorporate these tools into their strategies will likely have a significant competitive advantage over those that do not. 

At tictoc, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve, and we are committed to utilising the latest AI technologies and human expertise to provide our clients with top-notch solutions. If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency in Glasgow that embraces AI but still has the human touch, speak to us today and let us help take your company to the next level. If you’re in the Glasgow area why not pop in for a cup of coffee, a KitKat and a chat about what we can do for you.